DMG Audio EQuality v1.11 RTAS VST AU MacOSX | 6.6 MB
I've been building EQs for nearly a decade. From Focusrite to Sonalksis, I've learned a lot about EQs; how they should sound, how they should work, and I'd always wanted to build an EQ from the ground up, incorporating everything I've learned.
When I first started telling people I was going to do this, the response was a mixture of encouragement, tempered against the question "why do we need another EQ?". I'm pleased to tell you that now, at the end of the development process, everyone who asked that question has their answer. It's an answer that's hard to explain in words, and much much easier to find by just using the plugin. You can click the installer and the "send demo" link, and find out right now. Most people have quite a collection of EQs - some are models of hardware, some are workhorse EQs for surgical correction, or for guiding a track into a mix, some are for mastering. First off, EQuality is not a model of a specific piece of hardware; it's more ambitious than that. EQuality aims to be a great replacement for all your EQs. That's been the driving factor.
From the bottom up, EQuality sounds as good as an EQ can sound. By that, I mean the prototypes are as close to the consistent analogue shapes as can be achieved digitally, without spending extra CPU. When you want to spend extra CPU to close the deal, you can do that too, but so far not many people have reported finding occasions where the difference is perceptible. There's a technology behind that that I'm reluctant to describe in too much detail, nor to wrap up in marketing-speak.
From the top-down, EQuality is designed to allow you to make it work the way you want it to. At every stage, we've sought out any idiosyncrasies in the design, and replaced them with solutions that make sense, and with options to allow you to have things the way you need them. In the middle, there's functionality and flexibility. A lot of it. I've tried writing feature lists before, and they always get long and convoluted, so I'm going to write several disjoint lists to tell you what's been done to make EQuality the only EQ you'll ever need.
From the bottom up, EQuality sounds as good as an EQ can sound. By that, I mean the prototypes are as close to the consistent analogue shapes as can be achieved digitally, without spending extra CPU. When you want to spend extra CPU to close the deal, you can do that too, but so far not many people have reported finding occasions where the difference is perceptible. There's a technology behind that that I'm reluctant to describe in too much detail, nor to wrap up in marketing-speak.
From the top-down, EQuality is designed to allow you to make it work the way you want it to. At every stage, we've sought out any idiosyncrasies in the design, and replaced them with solutions that make sense, and with options to allow you to have things the way you need them. In the middle, there's functionality and flexibility. A lot of it. I've tried writing feature lists before, and they always get long and convoluted, so I'm going to write several disjoint lists to tell you what's been done to make EQuality the only EQ you'll ever need.
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